Last Updated on 23 juni 2021 by Syds
Vanmorgen zette ik mijn Bose Soundtouch speaker aan voor wat muziek en dacht “waarom kan ik die speaker nog niet besturen met Domoticz ?”. Googleen op “Domoticz Soundtouch” leverde me al snel de hit van de Domoticz wiki op Gelijk maar aan de slag gegaan:
Stap 1. Python library libsoundtouch installeren
pip3 install libsoundtouch
Automatisch worden de bibliotheken zeroconf en websocket mee geïnstalleerd
Stap 2. Domoticz plugin installeren
cd /home/pi/Domoticz/plugins
mkdir Soundtouch
cd Soundtouch
Plak het volgende script (shift-INS):
# Soundtouch plugin
# Author: Gerrit Hulleman
<plugin key="SoundTouch" name="Soundtouch plugin" author="Gerrit Hulleman" version="1.0.1" wikilink="" externallink="">
<h2>Soundtouch plugin</h2><br/>
Uses the libsoundtouch ( to communicate with bose soundtouch devices.
<ul style="list-style-type:square">
<li>Turn off / switch preset stations</li>
<li>Control audio</li>
Soundtouch host: the IP/DNS name of the soundtouch device
Interval: active reread of device status. Note: only needed if the device op operated directly
Automatic presets: use preset in device to update control.
Debug: additional debug information to domoticz log and logfile.
<param field="Address" label="Soundtouch host" width="200px" required="true" default=""/>
<param field="Mode1" label="Interval" width="200px" required="true" default="10"/>
<param field="Mode2" label="Automatic presets" width="75px">
<option label="True" value="1" default="true"/>
<option label="False" value="0" />
<param field="Mode6" label="Debug" width="75px">
<option label="True" value="Debug"/>
<option label="False" value="Normal" default="true" />
import Domoticz
import sys
from libsoundtouch import soundtouch_device
from libsoundtouch.utils import Source, Type
class BasePlugin:
enabled = False
debugMode = False
soundTouchHost = ''
deviceName = ''
heartbeat = 10
automaticPreset = False
presetMap = {} #Contains location / preset id on startup
def __init__(self):
def onStart(self):
self.logMessage("Loading parameters")
self.soundTouchHost = Parameters["Address"]
self.heartbeat = Parameters["Mode1"]
if Parameters["Mode2"] != "0":
self.automaticPreset = True
if Parameters["Mode6"] != "Debug":
self.debugMode = False
self.debugMode = True
if (self.heartbeat != 0):
if (len(Devices) == 0):
# devices not created, possible first run or deleted.
Options = {"LevelActions": "||||",
"LevelNames": "Off|Preset 1|Preset 2|Preset 3|Preset 4",
"LevelOffHidden": "false",
"SelectorStyle": "1"}
Domoticz.Device(Name="control", Unit=1, TypeName="Selector Switch", Options=Options, Image=8).Create() # Image 8 = speaker icon
Domoticz.Device(Name="volume", Unit=2, TypeName="Switch", Switchtype=7, Image=8).Create() # Switchtype 7 = dimmer, Image 8 = speaker icon
self.logMessage("Soundtouch devices created");
extDevice = soundtouch_device(self.soundTouchHost)
presets = extDevice.presets()
presetOptions = "Off"
presetActions = ""
for preset in presets:
presetOptions += '|'
presetActions += '|'
presetOptions +=
# save location. If the channel is change on the device, easier lookup on heartbeat
presetIdSwitch = int(preset.preset_id)*10; # 1 = 10, 2 = 20 etc.
self.presetMap[preset.location] = presetIdSwitch
self.logDebug("Channel: " " id: "+str(preset.preset_id)+ " selector: "+str(presetIdSwitch))
if (self.automaticPreset):
self.logMessage("Preset update - auto : " + presetOptions)
Options = {"LevelActions": presetActions,
"LevelNames": presetOptions,
"LevelOffHidden": "false" }
# nValue/sValue is mandatory.
Devices[1].Update(nValue=Devices[1].nValue, sValue=Devices[1].sValue, Options=Options)
self.logMessage("Plugin operational")
def onStop(self):
self.logDebug("onStop called")
def onConnect(self, Connection, Status, Description):
self.logDebug("onConnect called")
def onMessage(self, Connection, Data):
self.logDebug("onMessage called")
def onCommand(self, Unit, Command, Level, Hue):
self.logDebug("onCommand called for Unit " + str(Unit) + ": Command '" + str(Command) + "', Level: " + str(Level))
#(Bose 20) onCommand called for Unit 1: Parameter 'Set Level', Level: 10
if (Unit == 1):
# control device
if (Command == "Set Level"):
extDevice = soundtouch_device(self.soundTouchHost)
if Level == 0:
presetId = int((Level / 10) - 1)
if (presetId >= 0
and presetId <= 6):
presets = extDevice.presets()
Devices[1].Update(2, str(Level)) # switch is not updated from domoticz itself.
if (Command == "Off"):
extDevice = soundtouch_device(self.soundTouchHost)
Devices[1].Update(2, str(Level)) # switch is not updated from domoticz itself.
#(Bose 20) onCommand called for Unit 2: Command 'Set Level', Level: 17
if (Unit == 2):
# volume control
extDevice = soundtouch_device(self.soundTouchHost)
if (Command == "Off"):
Devices[2].Update(0, str(Level)) # switch is not updated from domoticz itself.
Devices[2].Update(2, str(Level)) # switch is not updated from domoticz itself.
def onNotification(self, Name, Subject, Text, Status, Priority, Sound, ImageFile):
self.logDebug("Notification: " + Name + "," + Subject + "," + Text + "," + Status + "," + str(Priority) + "," + Sound + "," + ImageFile)
def onDisconnect(self, Connection):
def onHeartbeat(self):
self.logDebug("onHeartbeat called")
extDevice = soundtouch_device(self.soundTouchHost)
# check/update station
status = extDevice.status()
# print(status.source) # TUNEIN, STANDBY, BLUETOOTH, AUX
if (status.source == "STANDBY"):
self.logDebug("on standby")
Devices[1].Update(nValue = 0, sValue = "00")
self.logDebug("Device updated")
location = status.content_item.location
if (location in self.presetMap):
# found -> update device to reflect channel
#self.logDebug("Found channel currently on " + str(self.presetMap[location]))
Devices[1].Update(2, sValue = str(self.presetMap[location]))
# check/update volume
actualVolume = extDevice.volume().actual
self.logDebug("Set volume: " + str(actualVolume))
Devices[2].Update(2, str(actualVolume))
self.logDebug("Set volume done")
self.logMessage("Unexpected error:" + sys.exc_info()[0])
self.logDebug("Heartbeat done, return")
def logMessage(self, Message):
if self.debugMode:
f= open("plugins/Soundtouch/log.txt","a+")
def logDebug(self, Message):
if self.debugMode:
global _plugin
_plugin = BasePlugin()
def onStart():
global _plugin
def onStop():
global _plugin
def onConnect(Connection, Status, Description):
global _plugin
_plugin.onConnect(Connection, Status, Description)
def onMessage(Connection, Data):
global _plugin
_plugin.onMessage(Connection, Data)
def onCommand(Unit, Command, Level, Hue):
global _plugin
_plugin.onCommand(Unit, Command, Level, Hue)
def onNotification(Name, Subject, Text, Status, Priority, Sound, ImageFile):
global _plugin
_plugin.onNotification(Name, Subject, Text, Status, Priority, Sound, ImageFile)
def onDisconnect(Connection):
global _plugin
def onHeartbeat():
global _plugin
# Generic helper functions
def DumpConfigToLog():
for x in Parameters:
if Parameters[x] != "":
Domoticz.Log( "'" + x + "':'" + str(Parameters[x]) + "'")
Domoticz.Log("Device count: " + str(len(Devices)))
for x in Devices:
Domoticz.Log("Device: " + str(x) + " - " + str(Devices[x]))
Domoticz.Log("Device ID: '" + str(Devices[x].ID) + "'")
Domoticz.Log("Device UnitID: '" + str(Devices[x].Unit) + "'")
Domoticz.Log("Device DeviceID: '" + str(Devices[x].DeviceID) + "'")
Domoticz.Log("Device Name: '" + Devices[x].Name + "'")
Domoticz.Log("Device nValue: " + str(Devices[x].nValue))
Domoticz.Log("Device sValue: '" + Devices[x].sValue + "'")
Domoticz.Log("Device LastLevel: " + str(Devices[x].LastLevel))
- Start Domoticz opnieuw op om de plugin te activeren
sudo /etc/init.d/ restart
Stap 3. Soundtouch device als hardware toevoegen aan Domoticz
- Ga naar Instellingen, Hardware
- Kies bij Type voor Soundtouch plugin
- Achterhaal de FCDN-hostnaam van je speaker door de de Soundtouch app op je telefoon te openen
- Klik onderaan op het icoontje van je speaker, het volgende scherm verschijnt
- Klik op het Instellingen (tandwieltje) icoontje, het volgende scherm verschijnt
- Onder Naam Luidspreker vindt je de naam van je speaker terug, in mijn geval “Speaker fitnessruimte”. Om er een FCDN-hostname van te maken die aan de BIND regels voldoet plakt Bose er SoundTouch voor en vervangt de spaties door ‘-’ streepjes. In mijn geval is de FCDN-naam van de speaker “”, nslookup hiervan levert het eventueel het IP-adres op:
- Omdat ik met DHCP werk, vul ik de FCDN-hostnaam van de speaker in op het tabblad Hardware en geef de hardware-plugin een zinvolle naam. Klik daarna op Toevoegen
- Toelichting op niet default waarden:
Label | Waarde | Toelichting |
Naam | Speaker fitnessruimte | Zinvolle naam |
Soundtouch host | | FCDN-hostnaam van je speaker |
- Check de logging of de plugin goed opstart: Instellingen, Log
2021-06-23 11:32:29.777 Speaker fitnessruimte hardware started.
2021-06-23 11:32:29.777 Status: Speaker fitnessruimte: (Speaker fitnessruimte) Entering work loop.
2021-06-23 11:32:29.777 Status: Speaker fitnessruimte: (Speaker fitnessruimte) Started.
2021-06-23 11:32:30.530 Speaker fitnessruimte: (Speaker fitnessruimte) Loading parameters
2021-06-23 11:32:30.531 Speaker fitnessruimte: (Speaker fitnessruimte) Debug logging mask set to: NONE
2021-06-23 11:32:30.532 Speaker fitnessruimte: (Speaker fitnessruimte) Soundtouch devices created
2021-06-23 11:32:30.609 Speaker fitnessruimte: (Speaker fitnessruimte) Preset update - auto : Off|Syds|100% NL Puur
2021-06-23 11:32:30.610 Speaker fitnessruimte: (Speaker fitnessruimte) Plugin operational
2021-06-23 11:32:30.529 Status: Speaker fitnessruimte: (Speaker fitnessruimte) Initialized version 1.0.1, author 'Gerrit Hulleman'
- Open Instellingen, Apparaten. Er zijn twee devices toegevoegd, klik op de Groene pijltjes om ze toe te voegen aan je Schakelaars
- Pas eventueel de selectorstijl van de control schakelaar aan (Bij meerdere snelkeuzes met lange namen loop je uit je ruimte)
- Toelichting op niet default waarden
Label | Waarde | Toelichting |
Selectorstijl | Selecteer menu | Geeft je een picklist om uit de ingestelde kanalen te selecteren |